Diwali week has begun and Bollywood divas are dressing up in their finest ethnic attires and the latest one to join the bandwagon is none other than Shraddha Kapoor. The Bollywood stunner is rocking one look after the other and her latest look is setting some serious Diwali dressing goals. And, you have to see the look to believe how hot Shraddha looked in the attire.
Shraddha rocked an ivory-grey multi-tiered sharara by ace couturier, Tarun Tahiliani.
Styled by Tanya Ghavri, the diva totally slayed in the traditional garment with a modern touch.
The elaborate ensemble featured classic Tahiliani embroidery and work and looked breathtaking.
The stunner finished off the look with statement earrings from Gehna Jewellery.
Shraddha also sported a tiny white bindi, which added some much-needed drama to the look.
If you are crushing on shararas this Diwali, you out to try something similar to the one the actress flaunted like a true diva.
We loved Shraddha's latest look, tell us how did you like it in the comment section below.
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