The Telegram messaging application, founded by the Russian Pavel Durov, is back in the pillory . If you remember, the application disappeared from the App Store in February for several hours for a matter related to the always disgusting child pornography.
The month of April also brought the fall of the application in a large part of Europe , leaving the majority of users without service , which caused the alarms to go on. And it is something that was already starting to sound bad, since the app has always been characterized by its robustness against WhatsApp, which suffered more frequent falls.
The key to this matter
Today we have risen with the news that the application, used by more than 200 million active users in the world, can be blocked from the Apple App Store by the Russian government. In fact, the Russian communications regulator, known as Roskomnadzor , has sent a letter to Apple asking it to stop distributing the application on Russian territory , under threat of blocking it if it ignores it.And it is that Telegram is already banned in Russian territory since April, for refusing to share with the government the encryption keys, something that has always made the company of Durov . The Russian Telegram users manage to bypass this prohibition thanks to the use of VPN applications .
What the Russian government is pursuing, chaired by Vladimir Putin, is to prevent the app from continuing to be distributed, and to block push notifications for those who already use it. In the letter, Apple is asked to communicate how to proceed to resolve this issue , giving it a period of 30 days and threatening to download the application App Store, in case one is met the requirements.
A powerful and controlling government against a technological giant, in the middle of both a very popular application, [safe] (WhatsApp is still less safe than Telegram) and stable. Who will move tab? And all with the World Cup in this country in a few weeks.
Telegram Messenger
Telegram Messenger
Social Networking
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