The new WhatsApp allows you to change your phone number

The use that we give to WhatsApp is massive, being in our country a very popular application and in the top of downloads. And good proof of this is the ease with which this app allows for example the creation of groups , which are very effective communication environments and that we use for anything.

We just met, in fact it is a news that is very warm, that the next update of WhatsApp will allow an option that at the moment is not available to all , although it is for the beta users of the application. This functionality is to be able to change the phone number when chatting. You do not believe?

When a user uses a new phone number, you can use the function of changing number in the configuration of the application, which will allow you to migrate your own chats and contacts to the new number .

In addition to this, the history of the chats will be retained when the user uses this new function , and WhatsApp would notify all current groups that a participant has changed their number, so the user does not have to rejoin the groups again in which it is.

And is that with more than 1000 million active users worldwide the messaging application, owned by Facebook, wants to finish giving a boost and avoid the leak of users to other applications such as Telegram , which just yesterday was fallen in Europe during many hours.

And lately we have also heard about all the news that WhatsApp has introduced or plans to implement. Although if you want to be a crack in the handling of the application , the best thing is that you do not miss our tutorial with the best tricks .

We would love for you to say if you think you are going to use this option of changing the number , or you are one of those people who only use one line. 
