Probably there are not two Apple wearables more sold than Apple Watch and AirPods . Both one and the other have raised both criticism and praise , more than the second than the first. In the case of wireless headphones, whoever tests is very satisfied with its audio quality and comfort.
In addition to this, they are very comfortable for their cargo case, which makes them always ready to give war. Simply connect them from time to time to your Lightning cable to have hours of playback on your headphones.
And this idea is what prepares the Cupertino company with a patent that has been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is a case that allows charging Apple's smart watch , which would greatly facilitate their owners' work.
As shown in the diagram that accompanies the patent, it would load the device itself, the body of the watch itself, and the straps , if they carried sensors or circuits, which could be used to extend the battery life of the watch , and therefore its autonomy.
Therefore we are faced with a solution that often brings in check the people who use this device, and is the battery life. The idea of taking the AirPods cargo bag concept to an article as successful as the Apple Watch is a good incentive to consider purchasing in the future .
At the moment, and as it is a patent, there is no knowledge of a future date in which that case could go on sale or if it would materialize. We recall that the Apple Watch Series 3 was presented at the last keynote of the Cupertino company, on September 12th.
Via | 9to5mac
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