Apple's success chair costs 1200 dollars

We are all aware that there is nothing that Apple sells for a reasonable price . In fact, a little over a year ago we could see how the company put on sale a design book for the "small" price of 200 euros. Within what we can expect from the California company.

However, they not only sell products for these prices, but also buy others that are at the same level . And it does not matter if it's just a chair. Especially if those chairs will be used by the employees of the new headquarters of the company, the Apple Park.

Before trying to analyze why the company has been dedicated to buying chairs that are worth $ 1200 each unit, we must bear in mind that it is an important investment . Although it must be admitted that these numbers hurt, it is not only a matter of design, but of creating an optimal work environment for your employees.

Promoting good posture with chairs of the highest quality, in this case designed by Barner & Osgerby, is a really important issue. After all, a happy and healthy worker is a productive worker , therefore, every cent that a company spends on the welfare of its employees, is fully justified.

Also, who would want to have normal chairs for the most important creation of the company? The Apple Park should be a symbol of innovation and good taste , that's why every detail is really important. Of course, although I understand the reasons and I know that many will continue to seem overly expensive, I must say that I feel the same way you do. I would love to spend the money on buying $ 1200 chairs.

And you, do you think Apple has made a good investment with these chairs?

Source | Co.Design 
