Samsung and LG handbrake. We never updated to a slower smartphone.

Apple's issue with the new features is that the iPhone has a lower CPU speed to achieve a better balance between performance and battery life. Or, say, to not let the battery run out too fast or shutdown during use. Just because the problem. Battery degradation And the latest reporters have to inquire other competitors in the market. About the problem.

Samsung and LG never update their smartphones.
Previously, HTC and Moto have been confirmed as well. The smartphone will not let the battery deteriorate, it will not reduce CPU speed and to reporter from Phonearena to ask Samsung and LG, which has the same answer.

  • We care about what our customers think - LG
  • Not just multi-stage battery monitoring. We do not have to decrease the CPU efficiency by the amount of battery cycles - Samsung.

The iPhone has a life expectancy of around 500 cycles, and the software has since iOS 10.2.1 (to protect the device), with the current iPhone 6, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone. 6s Plus and iPhone SE as well as iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus since iOS 11.2.

Source - engadget , phonearena
