The official launch of iOS 11 has brought the arrival of a large number of functions for iPhone and iPad . Now users can use their mobile device to use augmented reality, facial recognition (iPhone X), document scanner and QR codes.
Yes, it was previously possible to scan QR codes on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. But it required the use of third-party applications in the App Store. Now, with iOS 11, Apple has implemented a system to scan QR codes directly from the native Camera application.
Thus, reading QR codes is easier than ever. When scanning a QR code, the iOS 11 Camera app will automatically redirect you to the web page or App Store application related to the code. But ... Did you know that you can also create your QR codes?
There is an application in the App Store that allows you to create QR codes, in addition, it allows you to do it in a much faster, comfortable and efficient way from the iOS 11 extensions menu. In this way, you will be able to create a QR code in a matter of seconds.
How to create QR codes with iOS 11 extensions
QR codes can contain all kinds of information: events in the calendar, email addresses, contact information, web page addresses, map locations and many more.
You can take advantage of the iOS 11 extensions to create your own QR codes in a matter of seconds. Follow the steps we give you below to do so:
1. Download the QR Maker application in the App Store.
2. Wait for the installation process to finish.
3. Open Safari on your iPhone and / or your iPad.
4. Click on the action button to open the extensions.
6. Click on the "More" button of the extensions.
7. Add QR Maker for Safari.
8. Access a web page, press the action button and click on Qr Maker to create the QR code of that web.
Via | iDropNews
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