How to Reset Restriction Passwords on iPhone or iPad

IOS restrictions prevent users from making some indiscreet change in its terminals, avoiding disable some features of iOS, including some apps, features, and disable some content as well as shopping at the App Store.

Many parents use these restrictions to prevent your children make a dangerous use of the device, although we know that children are too smart. We can also find these restrictions in the academic field to limit the control of students to these devices.

How to Reset Restrictions Passwords

If you forget these passwords and you need to make changes in the settings of your device or access any app urgently. Just follow these steps to reset your passwords:

  • Back up your iPhone or iPad and keep it safe.
  • Open the Settings app and go to General.
  • Scroll to Restore.
  • Choose Remove all content and settings, this will remove everything from your iPhone or iPad, images, videos, contacts, notes, applications ... Absolutely everything you have on your device will disappear including the restrictions passwords, so you can re-access Those areas you could not when you forgot your password.
  • Confirm the action.

With this method you can not avoid losing your data. If you do not want this to happen, you will not be able to access this method in a simple way. Because you have to take into account the dubious legality to break passwords that hidden content or restrict access to certain parts of the iOS device.

Why do restrictions exist on iOS?

This system is very handy for parents, educators and system administrators. But really, the fundamental use of parental control restrictions is because you can block access to certain websites for adults, turn off the camera or purchases within apps ... It is certainly a luxury that parents should explore.
