The mobile payment service called Apple Pay Apple finally officially come to Spain tomorrow Thursday, December 1st. His arrival comes from the hand of Bando Santander, which will allow its customers to use Apple Pay to make payments through the iPhone and Apple Watch.
The US company has not confirmed anything officially, but several sources have confirmed to fellow Applesfera that tomorrow will begin the journey of Apple Pay in Spain. And it will not be precisely until that moment in which it is already active when its availability is officially announced.
I must say that Banco Santander already offered the option to pay with apple pay its customers in the UK, a country that can use this mobile payment service since July 2015. Moreover, this bank was one of the first to offer it in Its implementation in this country, so it is not surprising that it is also in Spain, its country of origin.
Apple Pay finally arrives in Spain!
You have to go September 2014 to remember the time when the company officially launched the bitten apple Apple Pay, a service that came during the presentation of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. However, the deployment of Apple Pay did not begin until a later time in the United States and has gradually extended to other countries, although its availability remains very limited two years later.
Apple Pay is available in these two models of the smartphone and in all later released, as well as in the Apple Watch. This mobile payment service can be used in establishments that support payments through NFC, but also can be used to pay within apps using verification through the Touch ID and recently Apple announced its arrival to the web to pay in stores on-line.
But back to Spain, and that the very Tim Cook recently announced about a month ago that Apple Pay reach Spain in the coming months and it seems that the arrival will occur sooner than expected. As mentioned above, at first the Banco Santander is the first bank to offer Apple Pay in Spain, but surely others will soon join to allow their customers to use Apple Pay to pay with the iPhone or the Apple Watch.
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