iPhone 7 Plus blast! Transit

The newest member of the site reddit name kroopthesnoop IPhone 7 Plus has posted pictures of his colleagues have been damaged during transportation by the explosion, which also did not launch it now.

The picture shows the iPhone 7 Plus black chassis features include a damaged windshield, cracking and burning. And the unit opened out. That caused the explosion of the private box and the box is damaged, it burns the same.

The Post has released an update that Apple Texas is aware of this issue and get back to the post. And a few hours later, Apple AE contact and coordination with AT & T to replace a colleague of the post.

Repeat with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

From this event has brought thousands of comments. And it created a panic to those who are interested and are using the iPhone 7 Plus some that this event will repeat itself with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 , but some of the observations that the explosion occurred while the. the machine is not running The occur during transport and also happen to iPhone 7 Plus is the first case and there is no information indicating the exact cause of the explosion.

The explosion was also the case for the iPhone 7 Plus must follow that the cause of the explosion was caused by anything. If the problem is the fault of the unit is expected that Apple will need to find a way to solve this problem and certainly not to repeat the Samsung Galaxy Note 7.
