Team GSMagic hackers have demonstrated the jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3, launching "soon"

While worldwide await news about Chinese artisans, little known group хакерская Greece GSMagic Team already has prepared the solution. However, so far, only in the closed version.

Even the famous hackers teams are trying to find vulnerabilities for hacking and installing the jailbreak in iOS 9 less eminent professionals and show solutions. In the videos on YouTube Team GSMagic hackers they have demonstrated the vulnerability in iOS 9.3.3, which allows the operating system trap. In the description of the video, the authors urge patience, as he prepares for the launch of the public version of iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak.

The video shows the iPhone 6s iOS 9.3.3, which runs Cydia. The user starts the Terminal and type several commands and consequently, statistical information appears on the screen.

A Reddit user under the nickname Mitsosg13 said he spoke to participants hacker group. GSMagic Team plans to release the jailbreak in the short term (days or weeks, not months "), currently, errors are corrected.

It is waiting for the Greek hackers make public its decision. Soon we found out all the details.

The other day, remember, the hacker Тодеско Lucas, best known in the network under the pseudonym qwertyoruiop demonstrated how to perform the jailbreak of iOS 9.3.2, which is based on a vulnerability in the Safari browser. The developer has managed to install Cydia on iPod touch of the sixth generation without connecting to a computer. Although its decision hardly see the light, and was done as an act of demonstration of the vulnerability of iOS.
