How to make a screenshot in the Xiaomi Mi4i

Xiaomi is one of the brands of smartphones that finding a niche in the market, currently without being present in many markets has become the 5th manufacturer in the world, to give you an idea. Much of this success is due to the large terminals presented and the price at which it does. Another advantage is to have a very competitive low-end or middle. Now we will show you how to perform screen capture or screen shot in the Xiaomi Mi4i . A terminal which last year turned out to be a good upgrade Xiaomi Mi 4 terminal. This model does not have a stock Android version, however the Chinese terminal provides the typical method of Android but also is more likely. Now we will see how to make a screenshot in the Xiaomi Mi4i.

Screenshot on the Xiaomi Mi4i

One of the ways to make the catch at the Mi4i is the basic Android as you say. The only thing we have to do is press both volume down buttons and the power button for at least two seconds.

Just let you know that you have to be about two seconds by pressing the buttons for the snapshot is done in your Xiaomi. This will cause what you had on the screen at the time of capture is saved as an image in the folder named "ScreenShots" on your smartphone.

The second way to make a catch in the Xiaomi Mi4i is what gives us the personalization layer Xiaomi. In the notification bar we have a number of shortcuts that come out when we move it. If we make a second displacement deployed on new shortcuts bar where we can find the screen capture displayed. You can see it in the picture.

We hope this can get you out you have some trouble when capture any screen of your smartphone Xiaomi.
