The immersive virtual reality or reality will be one of the realities if it is not already. That is, with the help of smartphones, this technology will provide great satisfaction to the user. We saw during the presentation of OnePlus 2 last summer but other brands such as Samsung in the presentation of its new Samsung Galaxy S7, also have launched it. Why brands like CocaCola away from consumer technology and more focused on your business want to give you a reality glasses viertual.
Realmentla soft drink company which gives you is the way to make a cardboard packaging with cartons of their bottles of soda. The truth is that it is at least curious to see how a simple cardboard can be converted into a cardboard Cocacola in seconds. In fact, let not see the second way that we explain in the video to convert a cardboard box in a cardboard, it do not take more than 5 seconds, just spectacular.
The CardBoard Cocacola
We leave the video where you can see how three simple ways you can get a cardboard or virtual reality glasses with a simple box of Coca Cola.
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