Look how it would work in Picture Picture in the new Apple TV

Everyone has happened to us that at some point while you're looking at programming a channel on the TV, we wanted to review the programming of another channel but still see what is going on we were seeing at first. If you had a decoder, some of them allow you to view the channel guide programming as you see in the corner of the screen.

Because today the vast majority of televisions and the latest generation decoders have integrated a feature called Picture in Picture (PIP) that allows you to simultaneously watch the TV channel while you perform other activities on your device, putting the channel you were seeing in a small box in a corner of the screen while the rest of the screen you can do almost anything, either see the channel guide, surf the Internet, watch videos, etc.

Today the developer Steven Troughton-Smith showed a small window to see what could be the basic operation of the Picture in Picture in the new Apple TV.

Picture in Picture in the new Apple TV would be a pleasant surprise for future users

This popular and famous developer shared the news via a tweet on their official Twitter account, along with a video of just over a minute of the demo application:

"I wrote a PiP application settings for my TV. I love how it works - it fits perfectly into the TVOS. I really have no idea why it has not been built yet. "

Here we leave the video for you to give a look at how it would be the Picture in Picture on Apple TV, which surely wish that this feature is already available on your Apple TV:
