Apple pays 318 million for tax fraud in Italy

You could say that the US company ended the year with a bittersweet taste. Obviously 2015 has been a year full of successes for the new year, Apple iPhone, Apple Watch ... but as has been told, the company has had to pay 318 million euros to finance in Italy following an investigation for tax fraud in that country.

But this is not the only EU country where Apple is being investigated for tax fraud. One of the most famous cases is that of Ireland, which was expected to know the resolution later this year, but eventually the EU He decided to extend the investigation again .

Indirectly it could be said that Ireland has something to do with this case of tax evasion in Italy. And it is this system that Apple uses in this country, which is very similar to that also used in Spain, through which elude most tax bill transferring part of the business to Ireland should be.

The amount corresponds to tax of five years of activity

This information comes directly from the hand of a spokesman for the Inland Revenue in Italy, which has stated that the amount of 318 million euros corresponds to the payment of taxes a total of five years of activity. This period would be reciprocated between the years 2008-2013, which would be on which research has focused in this country.

For its part, Apple still does not recognize this tax fraud and explains it by saying that its European operations are conducted through a subsidiary, which is responsible for providing services to international sales headquarters in Ireland. Thus, the subsidiary is taxed only part of these real gains, although those in charge of the investigation has not seemed to them a very lame excuse.

At the moment this is the result we have obtained in research conducted in Italy, but Apple is still waiting to know the outcome of other research that the EU is taking place in Ireland to know if they are getting tax treatment preferential or not. Just do not forget that Apple is not the only major company that is being investigated.
