Now Siri vs. Google: Virtual Assistant What is better?

In his day CYDIAPLUS already did a comparative cross by Cortana and Siri against Google Now , the voice assistant of competition. This time we'll talk about Siri and Google Now, virtual assistants of the main platforms of mobile devices to try to figure out which one is better.

Each mobile platform includes its own virtual assistant, and while everyone is trying to offer a set of basic features, Google Now and Siri are far ahead of other rivals. Google Now knows what you want and when they want, but Siri has nerve and personality, is also to be about to get much better thanks to the improvements to be introduced with iOS in September .

In CultofMac they have published a face-off between two editors, one of CultofMac and other CultofAndroid, which try to show the reasons why they consider that Siri or Google Now is better than the opposite. A summary of this face to face we show. Which of the two shall become strong?

Siri and Google Now two virtual assistants are widely used in the world

Killian Bell, editor of CultofAndroid, says that even though Siri started the trend in 2011, most would agree that it is not nearly as good as Google Now after these four years. Bell highlights of Google Now that "just it works", as once configured, is always ready when the user needs it.

Bell noted that Google Now has it all and most of the time not even have to ask, is there waiting. On the other hand, you believe that Siri can find a cafe, find sports scores identify a song or check the weather, but only if the user requests it.

For his part, Lucas Dormehl, CultofMac editor, notes that in the case of Siri debuted with the iPhone 4s based on a concept that Apple had several years earlier. Google has certainly done a lot with Google Now and Cortana from Microsoft is surprisingly good, but there are still some who still like Siri people.

Siri is faster and safer than Google Now

Furthermore, not only Dormehl says Siri was the first virtual voice assistant reach mobile devices, significant improvements in the near future are also expected. On the other hand, Siri is usually faster than Google Now when answering questions, we must also not forget the personality that has the voice assistant.

In addition, Dormehl says Siri is also much higher than Google Now with regard to accuracy in different languages, a very important factor when we consider that iOS devices are used worldwide. Finally, the editor of CultofMac says that currently use Siri to get directions, set reminders, dictate messages and much more, all without having to worry about security.

Killian Bell, meanwhile, ensures that you can say that Siri is faster than Google Now, but no evidence of this. He further argues that Google Now also has a lot of personality as Siri, but like everything in life, in the end each user is different and has his reasons for you like better either wizard.

And you, what do you think best virtual assistant, Siri and Google Now? Why?
