Editor – Markdown [Mac]


Markdown is a text editor that is designed from the ground up around the Markdown syntax, and Markdown is out the box, it supports Github Flavored Markdown. It is designed to make writing in markdown even easier than before, with automatic syntax highlighting, built in preview engine, easy export to HTML and PDF, and more…
By using Markdown built around GFM, you can focus on the actual writing rather than worrying about formatting and styles. Let the computer deal with that when you are ready to export your document to another format.
* Github Flavored Markdown syntax highlighting
* Multiple underscores in words
* URL autolinking
* Strikethrough
* Fenced code blocks
* Syntax highlighting
* Tables
* Task list
* Open document in tabs, customizable tab style
* Customizable themes – choose from built in themes or design your own
* Instant preview of rendered HTML
* Export to HTML, PDF
* Easily print
* Dark and Light style
* Line number
Assisted Editing:
* Automatic list formatting
* Auto increment numbering in ordered lists
* Auto complete matching characters
* Smart pairs : close parentheses, brackets, quotes, etc
* Automatic table alighment
* Automatic link creation
* Smart actions make writting easy
Enhanced features
* Auto save: Markdown will pick back up where you left off when you quit and restart the application
* Versions: Markdown will save new versions of your file periodically so that you can go back to a previous version of your work after you’ve changed it
* Full screen mode: word on your document in full screen to minimize distractions and focus on the task at hand
* iCloud Driver support
