Why Apple's Something Pay More to Pay

  • Apple Pay is a payment system is a new way to identify users, is the new Apple ID.
  • We will not have to remember passwords or security for payment, only the fingerprint that identifies and Apple Pay.

Pay only Apple is not a payment system is a way to identify users without passwords

Since the output of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have emerged all sorts of situations, some good for Apple and others less so, such as lack of stock or the bad reputation of #bendgate. But we must stress the Touch Apple ID and Pay in new models of iPhone and say it does more to pay, it's a way to have identified the user.

New iPhone, new technologies

When you buy the new iPhone 6 always go with several questions What lame model? What color? How much storage space? These and many other questions we do when we go for the new iPhone model 6. But we do not stop to think that when we bought the new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, they actually do is decide on the future of our digital identity.

Touch with Apple Pay ID and has been introduced in the market for consumer identity. The Cupertino company is one of the most respected in the world and has more than 200 million credit cards on file with iTunes accounts, accounts that users use to identify so far.

The future of the ID of the individual

Now with iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the NFC chip, Fingerprint Sensor Touch Pay ID and Apple, the Cupertino company not only has a new payment system, but a way to identify users without passwords in between.

Today we are surrounded by passwords for everything, everything requires a security password or several, sometimes we fail to remember and is a nuisance. With Apple Pay and identification system is complete with passwords for identify. Imagine you do not have to create a new user or password for any site, application, game, etc. ... Well that's what promises Touch ID. Apple is working hard to expand its new payment system worldwide.

Therefore Touch Apple ID and Pay are substitutes, in a way, Apple ID. We no longer have to enter passwords and better with our own fingerprint to perform different actions, while we only ones who can perform them. No longer identifies us a password or security code credit card, now we are identifying ourselves to make payments with Apple Pay, is our unique fingerprint that identifies us and that's a breakthrough. Now you can use the payment system to pay for parking or car rental in America.

Others also try

Other companies such as Google, with its Google ID, have also become increasingly important in recent years. Amazon even created his own form of payment, which came to replace PayPal, with identifying users.

But the new payment system Apple has come as if it were the Trojan horse and your payment method that identifies the user, it will put pressure on many other providers to offer their payment systems. But while others should create their own systems, Apple Pay is here and has an advantage. It already has 50% of transactions in establishments such as McDonald's , for example.

There will come a day when users begin to log into websites and applications with Touch ID system, identifying the user to make payments with Apple Pay. The other companies are going to have to hurry if they want to pay Apple is the only form of payment, creating their own user identification systems, as we have known thanks to Techcrunch .

Do you think Apple will dominate the market Pay user identification to make payments? What do you think Apple we have identified in this so personally? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
