HomescreenDesigner 1.0.15

Requires iOS 7

Break out of the boring stock layout. With HomescreenDesigner, you can fully customize your icon layout however you want! Just use the simple drag and drop interface to make simple, custom grid, or free form layouts and apply them to any, or all pages.

Compatible with:

No Respring Required!
Compatible with iOS 7 only
Themes must be installed to use
Options can be configured from the Settings app

In this version:

- **Fixed animation issue when unlocking and launching app that zoomed into first icon (making whole screen a giant pixelated version of your first icon). This issue has been here since the start and there have been many complaints, but is finally resolved.
- Added option to hide icons that will conflict with the unlock / launch animation. Icons that "conflict" are around the middle of the screen (where the animation zooms to) and will be temporarily hidden while the animation proceeds then faded back once it's done.
- Hide conflicting icon option can be toggled in the settings panel.

- Works on iOS 7.1!
- Re-added and improved rename feature
- Fixed renaming causing previews to disappear
- Added option to choose between All pages and Per-Page when choosing layout in settings panel

Download (Original DEB file)
