Flipboard is updated with improvements in content management

The famous Flipboard , one of the 9 Essential Apps we recommend installing a new iPhone , has been updated with improved content management sources that we recorded, so we can now organize news source, social network or theme.

For those who do not already know it, Flipboard is one of the Apps Aggregator most popular App Store news, Lets have together in one place all the photos that our friends or people we follow on Twitter posted, as well as other networks as Instagram.The interface is super minimalist, very attractive and very smooth animations that mimic the passage of an immaculate pages digital magazine.

For several months Flipboard also lets you create your own magazine, solo or with friends, with items that you find in other media.
In addition to changes in the organization of content, Flipboard now lets add source addresses of web pages that have previously copied in Safari or Chrome, and the usual bug fixes. If iOS has not already done so, you can update Flipboard on your iPhone or iPad by clicking here .
